Hair & Scalp Oils, Natural Hair Products

Are You Aware of These Pomegranate Seed Oil Benefits for Natural Hair?

Natural Hair Nysa / June 30, 2021

You may not have thought much about pomegranate seed oil’s benefits for natural hair.


Many of us have been eating pomegranates for years. Just thinking about the sweet yet tangy taste and juiciness is more than enough to make my mouth water.  Plus, this fruit packs some exceptional nutrition.  Well, that goodness translates into incredible pomegranate seed oil benefits for natural hair. 


Your curly crown deserves the best, and a shift to products straight from nature can help to enhance any natural hair journey.  So, keep reading and uncover how oil from pomegranates works to boost natural hair health. 


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Pomegranate seed oil fights natural hair damage.


Natural hair cannot thrive and achieve its optimal state when in a constant state of damage.  Damage can occur from over manipulation, heat styling, or excessive dryness.  Oil from pomegranates can help you prevent the harm to your hair that may derail success.


Oil derived from pomegranates aids natural hair by combating aging and inflammation through punicic acid.


This oil contains excellent levels of an omega 5 fatty acid called punicic acid.  Omega fatty acids help support a thicker head of hair.  Punicic acid may also support the proper cell function needed for the healthiest hair growth.


Reduction of scalp inflammation is another win for natural hair that pomegranate oil may provide.  Inflammation signals a suboptimal environment for hair health.  The oil can help deter bacteria on the scalp.  These microbes, when left unchecked, can cause irritation, tenderness, and infections.  


Pomegranate seed oil benefits for natural hair include the presence of bioflavonoids.


You can find bioflavonoids in many foods and herbs that people have long thought to have medicinal qualities and support overall health.  These substances make pomegranate seed oil an effective natural sunscreen, which helps fight sun damage to the scalp. 


Bioflavonoids also possess antioxidant properties.  As such, they can also help protect hair follicles from the ravages of free radicals. 


Image by Tamanna Rumee on


The natural hair benefits of pomegranate oil also feature nourishment for the hair and scalp.


Healthy, growing hair craves excellent nutrition.  Often for naturals, nourishment needs to be delivered internally through our diets and externally through topical applications to the scalp and hair. 


Seed oil from pomegranates contains some excellent vitamins to help protect and support healthy curls.  Each one of the vitamins below would make a significant contribution on its own to a successful hair journey.  Together, they create a powerhouse that can be hard to beat.


The oil from pomegranate seeds possesses an exceptional amount of vitamin C.


In case you did not know, you need vitamin C to achieve your best scalp and tresses.  It may assist in the production of collagen, aiding in the scalp’s appearance and elasticity.  Moreover, vitamin C supports the body’s cell repair process, including in the hair follicles.


This nutrient also possesses potent antioxidant properties to battle free radicals, protecting cells from damage.  Furthermore, the vitamin helps keep bacteria and viruses at bay.  By doing so, the potential for harmful scalp conditions decreases along with associated irritation and itching.




Pomegranate seed oil is rich in vitamin B.


Vitamin B helps deliver other nutrients and oxygen to your scalp, namely those all-important hair follicles.  Thus, it supports strong, healthy hair generation (i.e., growth).


Additionally, this vitamin can increase hydration for your hair and scalp.  Many naturals struggle with dry hair.  Vitamin B helps nourish hair to retain the moisture needed to ward off dryness that can lead to damage when left unchecked. 


The vitamin E found in oils from pomegranates also packs a punch.


Vitamin E works to preserve moisture in natural hair, as well.  So, it can assist in taming hair frizz, damage, and unruliness.  All natural-haired individuals need help with at least one of these at some during their hair journeys.


Furthermore, vitamin E flexes its antioxidant muscles to prevent the hurt your hair can endure at the hand of free radicals.  It also acts to shield the scalp and hair from the damaging effects of the sun.  All these benefits prevent hair loss by encouraging an optimal environment for robust natural hair growth.   




Improved feel and appearance are also among the pomegranate seed oil benefits for natural hair.


Having healthy hair is one thing.  But having a mane that everyone admires and compliments would make just about any person’s day. 


It is just like working out . . . the health benefits are necessary, but the hot body serves as the icing on the cake.  Pomegranate seed oil performs superbly to promote healthy hair and support hair growth.  Yet, the enhanced look and feel you may gain from using the oil just sweetens the pot.


The seed oil from pomegranates can help improve a poor scalp environment. 


We have already discussed this oil’s ability to fight free radicals, reduce inflammation, and nutritionally support scalp health.  Additionally, the oil works to rid the scalp of dandruff, flakes, and dirt that can clog pores. 


Clogged follicles only serve to stifle new hair growth.  Furthermore, any hair that does grow may lack the necessary strength to prevent damage or breakage.  We all know that damaged, breaking hair comes up short in the visual appeal department.


Pomegranate seed oil revitalizes lackluster, dry hair.   


Due to its structure, this oil can deeply penetrate the hair and scalp.  As such, all its goodness gets to the locations where it is needed. 


The seeds also contain oleic and linoleic acids, which gets retained in the seed oil.  The oleic acid enhances the softness and suppleness of hair strands.  Likewise, linoleic acid boosts moisture retention.


Image by Nathelly Cris on


Enhancing pH balance rounds out the list of pomegranate seed oil benefits for natural hair.


A pH between 3.5 and 5.5 is optimal for hair and scalp.  The outside cuticle layer of hair strands tightens as pH falls below 6.0, translating into a smoother, shinier hair surface that better retains moisture.


The acidic environment also deters microbial growth that can cause scalp and hair issues.  Fewer microbes increase the potential for excellent hair follicle health, which leads to healthy, gorgeous natural hair.


So, are you ready to experience the pomegranate seed oil benefits for natural hair?  First, you will need to integrate the oil into your regimen.  You can begin by checking out pomegranate seed oil suggestions below:





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Last Thoughts


Pomegranate seed oil for natural hair can positively impact almost any curly crown.  It helps fight damage, provides essential nutrition for health, and supports hair with a better feel and appearance.


This oil would make an outstanding addition to any natural hair product stash.  So, will you be exploring the pros of pomegranate oil for natural hair soon?


We love hearing from all of you!  So, join the discussion by liking, sharing, and commenting below. 


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Are You Aware of These Pomegranate Seed Oil Benefits for Natural Hair?