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Visitors to NaturalHairNysa.com should assume the site’s owner/author is an affiliate of or has a material connection to any goods supplier or service provider presented therein.  Therefore, Natural Hair Nysa may receive compensation for any ads, recommendations, or supplier/provider website links or banners which appear here or in any other area of this website.   Currently, Natural Hair Nysa’s material connections include the following:


Amazon Services LLC

We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.



ShareASale allows us to provide product offerings from a variety of merchants.  Furthermore, we earn commissions when you purchase from these vendors by using the links on this site.  Presently, we serve as an affiliate for the following merchants via ShareASale:



Through eBay, we have the ability to offer a wide variety of products from numerous suppliers.  Moreover, we direct end users to eBay’s sites and content through the use of affiliate links present on Naturalhairnysa.com.  Consequently, Natural Hair Nysa earns a percentage of the revenue eBay Inc. earns from purchases made through the use of these affiliate links.



We participate in the Swagbucks Referral Program.  Thus, a flat fee is received by us for each new Swagbucks account opened by individuals using the Swagbucks referral links present on this website.  


Independent Nikken Consultant

As an independent consultant, Natural Hair Nysa may present information about wellness products from Nikken, Inc on this website.  This information may include product links which direct to Natural Hair Nysa’s Personal Web Page at Nikken.com.  Natural Hair Nysa will receive a commission on any purchases made through our Personal Web Page at no additional cost to the customer.  Natural Hair Nysa continues to operate independently and in no way functions as an employee, representative, or agent of Nikken, Inc. or any of the manufacturers of Nikken’s products.