
Natural Hair Nysa is all about embracing the natural you!  For years I felt as though I could not fit in unless my hair looked a certain way.  I even justified the damage I inflicted on my hair as what was necessary to look professional.  My reality check came when I realized I was keeping myself in hair bondage.  It wasn’t society, my employer, or my friends and family.  It was all me!  Now I am on a mission to support all individuals in making empowering choices about their hair and overall health & beauty.  I hope to encourage others to greater happiness and fullness in life.


This community is open to all who wish to learn from others, share their knowledge, and act as cheerleaders of success.  Much of our focus will be on the natural hair of people of color. However, some of the information presented will be helpful to everyone regardless of hair type.  Health and beauty tips, which may become part of our conversation from time to time, may be of interest across genders and ethnic groups.  Inclusion is the name of the game when walking the path to general growth, enrichment, and positive outcomes in life.     


I am the proud owner of beautiful natural 4c hair, and what makes it so special is it’s uniquely mine.  No other person on this planet has my exact hair texture, density, color, and curl pattern.  The pursuit of healthy natural hair is a lifelong journey.  I believe the trip is much more fulfilling, interesting, and meaningful when other people join you on the ride.  I hope along the way more individuals will proudly own their natural hair as I have.